Ice Making Machines For The Home – Are They Worth It?
To answer a burning question about Ice making machines for the home – are they worth it? I...

What Is The Elf On The Shelf?
You may have heard about it more and more these past few years, but what is the Elf...

Homemade Homeschool HeroesHomeschool Tools and ResourcesUncategorizedUnit Ideas, Lesson Plans and Creations
Educational Board Games For Kids – Outfoxed As A Teaching Tool
As homeschoolers we are always on the lookout for educational board games for kids. To use Outfoxed as...

Childhood LeukemiaHomemade Homeschool HeroesHomeschool Tools and ResourcesLifelong LearningUncategorizedUnit Ideas, Lesson Plans and Creations
Review Of The “Outfoxed” Game For Kids – Parents With A Child With Leukemia And Homeschooling Families
The following article provides a review of the “Outfoxed” game for kids – parents with a child with...

What Is The “Outfoxed” Board Game About?
What is the “Outfoxed” board game about and how does it bring enjoyment to both kids and parents...

Alternative TherapiesAmazing Essential OilsChakra Sutra BalancingChildhood LeukemiaEmotional Spiritual Mental WellbeingPersonal TransformationsUncategorized
A Complete Book Of The Chakras
A complete book of the Chakras is a must when looking into using them to heal from old...

Alternative TherapiesChakra Sutra BalancingChildhood LeukemiaEmotional Spiritual Mental WellbeingNatural RemediesPersonal TransformationsUncategorized
What Are The Chakras And Their Meanings?
What are the Chakras and their meanings? Over the years since my daughter got sick with leukemia and...

Does Childhood Leukemia Progress Quickly?
Does childhood Leukemia progress quickly is a question that isn’t so easy to answer. One of the pressing...

Early Signs Of Leukemia In A Child
Early signs of Leukemia in a child can be recognised by a number of factors. Leukemia is a...
Can You Live A Normal Life After Childhood Leukemia?
Can you live a normal life after Childhood Leukemia? Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), which is the diagnosis my...