A complete book of the Chakras is a must when looking into using them to heal from old wounds or trauma. Dealing with something so devastating, such as Childhood Leukemia as an example, can leave emotional wounds that are difficult to heal. Which is where having an understanding of the Chakras and how you can balance them to facilitate the healing process is something I highly recommend. Having been through Childhood Leukemia with my daughter, and seeing how her ordeal affected her in the long term, finding something that could help her come to terms with what happened to her and lead to a breakthrough for her developmental PTSD, would have been a godsend. Through my efforts to understand emotional healing, I became interested in various modalities of healing over the years and I learned quite a few techniques that enable me to help others. I am a Chakra Sutra Practitioner along with my other methods of healing and I do recommend giving it a try. Even though I facilitate other’s chakra healing journeys, I do believe it’s good to have a basic and easy to understand book to refer to that can help people begin to learn how to balance their chakras in situations like these, but also on a more general level. I found this particular book – The Zenned Out Guide To Understanding Chakras, and I have to say I really quite like it. If you are in the thick of things right now, and don’t have the time, energy or money to take yourself off to a session, at least look at getting a book that may help guide you towards healing.
The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Chakras by Cassie Uhl
This book covers a lot of content and information about the Chakras and how to bring them into balance. As a Chakra Sutra Practitioner I also use other tools not found in Cassie’s book but there is plenty to start with right here in this book.
What Does the Book Cover?
This book offers a guide for beginners to learn about the energy of the Chakras, how to balance them, what tools to utilise and how they connect to the body and manifest in dis-ease if out of balance. It also discusses the body, Nadis, aura and the history of Chakras. Adding a bit of something different, it describes how to do an actual chakra reading as well.
An introduction to chakras and the energy flow of the body
The Subtle Body and the 3 Primary Parts to it – The Nadis, Chakras and Aura
The 3 Primary Nadis – Pingala, Ida, and Sushumna
Each individual chakra has a dedicated chapter, all 7 of the chakras are covered.
- Root/Base Chakra
- Sacral Chakra
- Solar Plexus Chakra
- Heart Chakra
- Throat Chakra
- Third-Eye Chakra
- Crown Chakra
Working with the chakra energy
Benefits of working with the chakra system
History of Chakras
How to use the book section
The aura
Indicators of overactive and underactive states for each chakra
How to connect with each chakra
Purpose for each chakra
Suggestions on how to balance or open each chakra and possible tools to use
Protective methods
Mantras and Affirmations
Recipes to aid balancing
The importance of spring water
How to do a Chakra reading
Where Can You Source The Book?
I bought my own copy on Amazon Australia
Title: The Zenned Out Guide to Understanding Chakras – Your Handbook to Understanding the Energy of the Chakra System
Author: Cassie Uhl
Pages: 176
Versions Available: Hardcover and Kindle
Price: $25.40 AUD (RRP $27.99) Hardcover or $21.99 AUD Kindle. (Prices indicative of the time of writing this article and are subject to change).
Delivery Fee: Free if spending on other items as well to the value of $59 AUD so while you’re on Amazon, have a look around for something else that takes your fancy. Perhaps a nice deck of oracle cards or other chakra related items. i never stop at one. Delivery is also free as a subscriber to Prime.
Publisher: Rockport Gift & Stationery
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1631067060
ISBN-13: 978-1631067068
Dimensions: 15.24 x 2.03 x 20.19 cm
Condition at Delivery: Excellent and arrived in just a few days.
Recommended? Yes, I would highly recommend this book.
Ratings: 5 stars out of 464 at the time of writing this article
My Rating:
My Personal Thoughts on This Book
The book I have is a hardcover which I’m not normally a fan of, but in this case, it’s compact and not bulky or too heavy at all. I like the overall feel of it. What my favourite part of the book is other than it’s content is the beautiful aesthetics of it. The colours used on the cover and the design is really pretty and nice. The illustrations in the book are lovely and give excellent diagrammatic representation of what to do for everything in terms of the tools to use, how to use them and the methods for balancing. It really is a wonderful book that will fulfill most people’s beginner journey into the world of Chakras. The descriptions of the topics are detailed yet succinct. Brief enough to not cause minds to wander and become a distraction or too drawn out to maintain. Being hardcover, it sits nicely on my bookshelf and is sturdy enough for extensive use. It’s also small enough to fit into a handbag to carry with you if you find yourself with some time on your hands to read a few pages. If you are traveling to and fro from hospital with your child who has Leukemia for example, this book will fit into your carry bag quite comfortably and you will have on hand easy access to instant help for your sick child.
The Role of Essential Oils in Chakra Balancing
One of the methods suggested to help balance the chakras are essential oils. I only use one brand that I trust completely to remain unadulterated and as authentic as they come and was the first essential oils company to offer such a large range of oils for therapeutic use. Please check them out here and once you have selected what country you reside in and opened your free account, use your log in to access your dashboard where you can place an order. Type in the name of the oil or oils below to move on to purchase them.
Oils I would suggest using for balancing chakras as a beginner are:
Individual or Blends
The Feelings Kit (which provides instructions on how to work with the 6 oils in the kit)
The Oils of Ancient Scripture is also popular with the kit containing 10 essential oils that were mentioned in the Bible.
NB: Please be advised that the above information is based on the Australian kit contents which may differ from other countries. Check the contents of the kits before ordering however, even if they differ, they will still function in the same way.
There’s Nothing Left to Do Now Except to Give Yourself Every Opportunity to Bring Yourself and Others Healing
A complete book of the Chakras that gives you a very good beginning point to working with yours or another person’s chakras. It is just a click away and a short wait for it to arrive in the mail. If you need more information about Chakras I have an article I wrote here for you to read and there will be others added over time. Go to the categories and click on the ones pertaining to chakras to bring up all other articles relating to this.
I wish you all the best in your journey into the world of Chakra healing. If you are a parent or Carer of a child with Leukemia or other illness that may reap long term effects for you, them and your family, I’m sending you much love because I’ve been there in your shoes and can relate to much of what you are going through. It’s what made me who I am today – wanting to help others through it.
Thank you for reading
Warm Wishes