Affiliate Disclosures and Disclaimers

Affiliate Disclosure:

In an effort to be completely transparent with you, I wish to let you know that I have an affiliate relationship with some of the companies whose products or services I may recommend on this website.

It is important to note that this will not cause you any additional expense if I earn a commission or credit if you decide to purchase any products or services from any of these companies as the commission is paid by the company not yourself as a thank you from them that you chose to purchase through them.

This gives me a means to help in the costs of maintaining my website so that I can continue to bring you great content, suggestions, ideas and the like.

You can assume that by clicking on any link within my website that it may be an affiliate link and I may earn some form of compensation resulting from your clicking on these links.

I urge you not to spend any money on any of the products or services I recommend until you have given it considerable thought and know without a doubt that you really can afford them.

Earnings Disclaimer:

Every effort has been made to represent the products and services and their benefits, as accurately as possible.

Should you decide to look into any of the ideas represented in earning an income online or off, please be assured I am not presenting you with a business opportunity or making claims as to earning potential, or supporting any get rich quick schemes, the latter of which I would never be in support of. Everything I write about is from my own research, experience and ideas thought up by me in how to use the internet to grow my income.

Before embarking on any endeavour, please use caution and seek the advice of your own advisors, for example; your accountant or attorney.

In terms of guarantees of success, there is no guarantee. Success in any endeavour is based on many factors that are individual in nature. This means that much of it depends on you. I do not know your educational background, your skills, your prior experience, or the time you can and will devote to the endeavour.

Please perform your own due diligence before taking any course of action on anything outlined in this website, especially if there is monetary expense incurred for you to do so. Follow the advice of your qualified advisors.

You agree that I take no responsibility for your failure or actions in any endeavour you undertake as a result of my content or materials.

Information From Third Parties

The information on this website is only intended as general information. No rights can be derived from the information on this website.

The website of Wise Owls Loft contains links to websites of third parties. We accept no liability and no responsibility for the content, use or availability of third party websites. The use of such links is at your own risk. The information on such websites has not been further assessed for accuracy, reasonableness, timeliness or completeness by Wise Owls Loft. You cannot derive any rights from prices which may be outdated.

Any recommendations I make in my articles is influenced by my own general topics of interest, my own experience or research, and guided by what I believe would be of interest to my readers.

Thank you for your continued support of my website